Avis has nearly everything ready to take the Trivandrum Corporation to the High Court in Delhi and sue them for the horendous killing of dogs in the area. She has a lot of proof; pictures and videos of dogs being beaten, kept in tiny cages for ours in the baking sun awaiting their painful death and many documents and testamonies.
'All' that is left to do is raise a 100.000 signatures of people who say NO to the cruelty of dog killing. Twenty thousand have already signed, another eighty thousand will be needed. so, PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION AGAINST DOG KILLING!! Thank you. SIGN THE PETITION HERE: Petition on care2Note: The petition to help ARK stop the brutal killing of dogs in the Trivandrum area in Kerala has been created on the Care2 website. As you will see the text accompanying the petition speaks of a tourism boycott. This boycott has been added to the petition to put more pressure on the government. The welfare of dogs is not very high on their list, so an additional pressure point is needed to achieve the much needed result, which is of course an end to the killing.
I talked to Avis about this, because I was afraid that the tourism boycott part in the petition might put some people off and stop them from signing it. She realises that, but there is not much she can do. She says that tourists are very welcome in Kerala and especially at her center. But she hopes that people will realise that behind Kerala's enchanting tourism spots there is another world that isn't as beautiful and that needs a lot more attention.
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