And I was proud to be able to give her this substantial amount to support the incredible work she is doing. I experienced myself how much the dogs need and deserve it.
The total amount in donations on the 10th of October was 430 euro! On the 13th of October some more donations came in, raising the total sum to 540 euro! And again after the 13th more donations for the dogs came in. On the 17th of October the total amount for ARK had risen to: 645 euro.
The total amount on the 10th of November is: 795 euro!
The following people have contributed to the vast amount that we have raised so far for the dogs of Trivandrum:
C and C Lorist Jong
H. Verhoogt en E. Verbruggen
J. Lourens
J. Buis
S. van Hasselt
L. Garcia
N. Ligthart
V. Snijders
L. Giesberts
E.S. van Duren
AM. van Erven-Baggen
G. van Os-de Jong
M. van Vloten
A. Bentum
M.J. van der Wijk
L. Jelicic de Boer
H. van Kampen
A. Vittoz
Avis told me to say thank you to all of you. So: THANK YOU!
Information on ARK's financial situation
It's actually quite simple: being a foreigner Avis doesn't get any funding whatsoever. It's pure discrimination. It's heartbreaking to hear what she has to go through. Moreover because her organisation is the only animal welfare organisation that actually deals with the work involved to rescue dogs in this area.
ARK is the only orgnanisation implementing the ABC/AR (Animal Birth Control/Anti-Rabies) programme; a programme set up by the national government in 2000 to control the stray dog population and to fight rabies. Other animal welfare organisations on the other hand do get funding but do nothing to help the dogs. Avis has sold her house in England for ARK and put in a lot of her own money to be able to continue the work she is doing.
Below a letter by Avis Lyons from ARK thanking all of the people who have donated. In this letter she also explains how your money is used to help the dogs.
Sree Nilayam, Azakulam,Vizinjam P.O. Thiruvanatapuram 695521 Phone0471 2796202/2483180
Charitable trust number 187 - 2005
On behalf of the animals in our care I would like to say a huge ‘thank you’ to the friends, colleagues and family of Stephanie who so generously donated to her fund-raising efforts.
Stephanie has raised 795 euros, which is a huge amount here in India, this amount would feed all the animals in our care ; over 120 dogs and puppies plus over 20 cats at any one time, as well as our two rescued ponies, for approximately 5 months!
Alternatively it could pay to sterilise approximately 120 dogs, either way every penny donated to ARK goes directly towards helping the animals in our care. I would like to say a special thank you to Stephanie for all her hard work in raising this money. It is very much appreciated.
Avis Lyons (director of Animal Rescue Kerala)